The Stakeholder Engagement team continues to use the approved Digital Engagement Strategy. The team continues to receive positive community feedback in response to the digital engagement strategies. A weekly digital communication is sent to 5000 residents including tailored tunnelling email notifications depending on location.
Stakeholder engagement actions undertaken during 2022-2023 are also summarised below:
- The Rozelle Interchange hosted 15 toddlers and their parents from the local preschool 'Rozelle Community Childcare Centre'. (05Dec22)
- Family Day hosted for workers and family members to come onsite for site tours, food, carnival games, face painting, a petting zoo, over 500 people were in attendance and 2.5K raised for the Harding Miller Foundation. (18Jun22)
- In June 2022 a survey was distributed to residents and businesses, this aimed to gather general feedback about our project communications, content and the way they receive information.
- Introduced the Annandale Troll (art work) to his home underneath the Light Rail bridge.
- Community Day at Rozelle Rail Yards held with 250 members of the community visiting the site. (21Aug22)
- $68,000 raised for the Harding Miller Foundation during the Project’s end of year Gift Drive.
- Ongoing fortnightly meeting with TfNSW communication and Stakeholder team to discuss the project updates.
- Ongoing meetings with Inner west council every two months to discuss project update and any parking issues in the community.
- Quarterly updates continue to be sent to between 4500 and 6000 subscribers.
- On-street parking checks ongoing in response to community feedback, to discourage unreasonable worker parking occurring 2x a week.
- Bi-weekly street clean-ups ongoing.