What worked this year? |
- Bio-diesel implementation was successful integrating 59kL into plant and equipment onsite.
- Mask recycling has been developed to reduce PPE sent to landfill throughout the reporting period.
- Have established recycling administration in many site offices to increase office waste diversion.
- Material reductions have been tracked and monitored throughout the duration of the reporting period, this has made final reporting for the As-Built submission more effective/efficient.
- Tracking against water demand and GreenPower consumption have been re-assessed, through this more accurate tracking and pathway to reach targets have been identified
Opportunities for improvement for 2023-2024 |
- Finalise a system for calculating total material spend on the Project
- Continue to identify opportunities to increase office waste diversion percentages.
- Investigate any initiatives that may have not been identified/modelled in design.
- Identify supplier to track with SSPMR meetings for WHT scope.
- Provide awards for subcontractors based on sustainability performance from supplier meetings.
- Review submission timeline regarding WHT STW scope.
- Conduct review of mask recycling initiative.