<h1>Health and Wellbeing</h1>

This Month's Wellness Focus   

This Month's Wellness Focus
April 2024 Wellness Focus

Welcome to this month's Wellness Focus – Maintaining Healthy Relationships

This month, we'll look at how to maintain healthy relationships with friends, family and colleagues. We'll also talk about financial wellness, and steering clear of addictive behaviours that could potentially add unnecessary stress.

Below, we have some great resources from MensLine Australia, Plunket, The Salvation Army, myMoneyCoach, DrinkWise and more. Every resource has been carefully reviewed and handpicked by the Health & Safety team at WHT-S. 

Healthy Relationships with Others

Building and maintaining healthy social connections can bring about many benefits, such as a decrease in anxiety and depression, and an increase in self-esteem. These benefits can then have a flow-on effect, resulting in a happier home life, a more fulfilling and productive work life, and the availability of a strong support system during tough times. 

When you prioritise your connections with others, people are more likely to want to invest in and devote more time to the relationship. In this way, social connectedness generates a positive cycle of social, emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Learn more...


Healthy Relationships with Money

At this stage, 8.5 million Australian adults are considered to be financially illiterate (45% of the Australian adult population). People with lower financial literacy tend to have lower financial health, which then results in higher financial stress. A recent study shows that people who have experienced recent financial hardship are at much higher risk of self harm. 

In order to have a good relationship with money, it's important to understand how the world of finance works. Financial literacy means knowing how to make smart decisions about your money, like budgeting, investing, and saving up for big purchases such as a car or a house. It's all about being informed and making good choices based on your specific needs and lifestyle. 

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Addictive Behaviours

Addiction is a chronic health condition that occurs when someone is unable to stop doing/consuming something, even if they're aware that it is negatively affecting their life. The risk of becoming addicted to something varies from person to person. It can depend on biology, environment, or development/exposure. It can be the result of a sub-conscious and deeply learned behaviour. Luckily, the more we learn about it, the easier it can be to protect ourselves.

Gambling, Alcohol and Other Substances. What are the signs of addiction?

  • Lack of focus, poor or slow decision making ability and ignoring risks.
  • Lack of control, or inability to stay away from a substance or behaviour.
  • Requests for money or increased financial stress.
  • Slurred or agitated speech and/or decreased socialisation (abandoning commitments or ignoring relationships). 
  • Mood swings - seeming depressed, overly tired, or particularly high strung/hyperactive.

Learn more...

Support your teammates as they lace up for the Sydney Half Marathon!

15 Rozelle Interchange team members are lacing up to represent the project in the upcoming 2024 HOKA Runaway Sydney Half Marathon. The team will be fundraising for the Projects charity of choice, The Harding Miller Education Foundation.

What is our team name? Well, I'm glad you asked! Ladies and Gentlemen...I present to you...the very fit, the very fast...CUT. BOLT. RUN! 

Cut. Bolt. Run! will start their journey on Macquarie St next to the luscious Royal Botanic Gardens in the CBD. Then, they will swiftly dash along the Cahill Expressway and make their way down Hickson Rd. Next is a quick trot around Pyrmont, before our champions charge towards Darling Harbour and up King Street Wharf, towards the Barangaroo Reserve. From there, our fearless friends shall scoot back past Millers Point on the expressway, and zip across to Art Gallery Rd. After hightailing it up to Mrs Macquaries Chair, our beautiful besties shall scuttle along to St. Mary's Cathedral, before making a triumphant leap across the finish line at Prince Albert Rd.

If you would like to show your support for Cut. Bolt. Run! by donating, click here to view the donations page. 

Mental Health First Aid

Get to know the mental health first aiders in your area. They are a great resource for mental health support. You won't be able to miss them in the bright and colourful Shirts!

📖 Mental Health First Aider Personnel
📖 Mental Health First Aid Strategy
▶️ Mental Health First Aiders - Let's start the conversation (video)

Mental Health Check In

Looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Ejaz is back on site for the new year to conduct face to face check in sessions.

Mental Health Check In 

Rozelle Interchange Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The EAP service is free and available to all Rozelle interchange employees and their families, including subcontractors. For more details and information on how to book hit the Gryphon Psychology link below or what our "What to expect from a EAP session" video.

📖 Gryphon Psychology
▶️ What to expect from a EAP session (video)
▶️ Gryphon Psychology - Online Webinars 

Where to get support:
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 1800 991 151
- Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 or beyondblue.org.au
- Lifeline: 13 11 44 or lifeline.org.au
- Our Project Mental Health First Aiders (see link below)

You can check out our Mental Health page here for more information.


If you have any further suggestions, feedback or questions please email: Sophie Bryce 

Want to find more tips? Look at our previous wellness focuses.