<h1>Health and Wellbeing</h1>

This Month's Wellness Focus 

Mental Health
Our industry is over-represented in almost all mental health statistics. We want to continue to focus on this area by talking openly about mental health and giving us the tools to identify and assist if we spot the signs that one of our workmates may be struggling.

Find out about ways you can look after your mental health and support others.

Mental Health Prevention 
Looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Below are some great resources on how to become an ally, how we can tune into our mental health, and a mental health email-signature you can save and add. We also have mental health professional, Ejaz visiting on site to conduct face to face check in sessions.

📖 How to become an ally
📖 Ally Poster
📖 'Tune in' Mental Health toolkit
📝 MHM Email-signature
📖 Mental Health conversation guide

Mental Health Check In 

Project Initiatives
📖 Mental Health First Aid Strategy
📖 RUOK? day
📖 Movember
🎲 Project Kahoot (Teams vs Teams)
▶️ What to expect from a EAP session (video)
🎲 Monthly Board Games

Get Help
ℹ️ EAP
ℹ️ Rozelle Interchange Mental Health First Aiders
▶️ Mental Health First Aiders - Let's start the conversation (video)
ℹ️ Health Professionals
ℹ️ Get to know Ejaz our Mental Health Professional 
ℹ️ Mr Perfect - Community & Connection | More than a BBQ | Online support, info & resources.

Financial Wellness
🤑📖 Saving - Tips, calculators, and information on how to save for the things you want
🤑 GoodYear AutoCar Discount offer
🤑📱 Pocketbook App - Connect your bank accounts, get tips on saving, track bills
🤑📖 How to stop overspending - 5 commons reasons we overspend and how to avoid it
🤑📱 Quit That! iPhone Habit Tracker App

Other Resources
▶️ Gryphon Psychology - Online Webinars 
▶️ Plum Super - Financial Wellness Hub
🎙️ Move Your Mind - Podcasts with Nick Bracks
📖 How can I be a mental health ally?
▶️ Mental Health First Aiders - Let's start the conversation